Although the beginning is a comical party sequence where everyone is having a good time it does drag a bit having the story flip the mood almost right in the middle o the film.

After a great time in the costal city of Valparaíso the group of friends go to a club where while dancing an earthquake hits and sends the happy partiers into turmoil.
Roth and López co-wrote a magnificent story that engages the audience in the beauty of Chile before twisting the world around with the catastrophic earthquake.

Martínez makes audiences dislike his character but want to be part of his group. Pollo is self centered and arrogant but can get anyone into anywhere in Chile.
Yarovenko is hot through out the movie and captivates audiences with an authentic feel of terror and chaos. She's strong character but not over powering to the storyline.
The story continues through this fantastically destroyed Chile as the streets are filled with crumbled buildings, shattered people and criminals escaped from prison.

I give this film 4 out of 5 Popcorns. The beginning drags as characters are introduced and become quite annoying, but the pace quickly picks up as the horror of the story becomes apparent. The acting was fantastic from everyone and they played off each other well. It kind of feels like "The Hangover" but with a horror aspect. The ending is definitely worth sticking through out the movie for. The film is not only a mixture of two genres, comedy and horror, but sets everything up and knocks it down at the end.
Eli Roth Presents "Aftershock" out in theaters and On Demand May 10.
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