This makes 300 post and more than doubled the views per month.
Thanks to so many amazing people I have reached a new level in covering events and writing posts. This month has come with so many things I have done, from the anime expo to a video interview it has all been incredible and I wish to do more in the months to come. The people I thank are not in any certain order just in the way I feel like writing them.
I thank my bro, Agustin Figueroa, because he shares everything I do with his friends on Facebook and always has comments on my post. Thanks for the support, thanks for some guidance and thanks for everything else. Happy birthday!!!
Let's start off with Mike "The Movie Guy" Pierce who is probably the reason I got started with this site. Thanks to him and his wonderful contacts I have been able to attend and cover many fantastic events. I have continued to be a contributing writer on his site and will continue to do so writing reviews and covering events that come up around Los Angeles. Thanks to his honesty and straight forward constructive criticism I have grown as a writer and reporter. Although I am not the easiest person to work with i am thankful for all the patience and encouragement.
Sergio Berrueta who keeps on writing awesome reviews of older movies which are some of the movies which revolutionized hollywood movies, as well as helping with the Anime Expo 2013 coverage which was both fun and a massive undertaking. Film-A-Week has become one of the top three post per week of the site and continues to gain a following. The Anime Expo coverage along with a cosplayer interview video which is still in the works and shall be up soon are an incredible contribution to this site.
Jennifer "Fly" Treviño, Jennifer Becerra and the rest of the H+M Communications crew who always treat me well and keep me busy covering events that I never would have dreamed of covering. The events they have me cover are incredible and have pushed me to the limit of my skills. They have allowed me to grow as a reporter by giving me the opportunity to do stuff I would have never attempted to do on my own, such as do a video interview. You ladies are amazing and I am truly honored to be able to collaborate with each one of you on events. I look forward to doing more and seeing where it takes me.
Rocio Gutierrez and Lorena Medina who keep sending me stuff to post both in English and Spanish. Thank you for all the events, all the press conferences and all the incredible coverage you have allowed me to have. I am thankful for everything you ladies do for me and for allowing people to cover events for me when I am not available. I am sincerely grateful for every press release sent, every interview booked and every event I have been invited to. Thank you for always being understanding, always staying positive and never giving up on me. It an honor to be part of your email list and I hope to keep working with you on more events that will broaden my cultural range of post.
Salomon Montes de Oca, Erika Bouso and The Warner Bros. Marketing Service team who keep me busy with upcoming films, screenings and provide giveaways to post. Thank you for always keeping me in mind when it comes to films and advance screenings. It is always a pleasure to stay in contact with both of you and I will try to do my best in getting things posted in a timely fashion as well as sending links to post. It has been a wonderful experience collaborating with both of you and I hope to keep on doing so and maybe doing more than just reviews and giveaways.
Veronica M. Buenrostro who allows me to attend advance screenings and keeps me in mind for many posts. Thanks for inviting me to events and sharing pictures from premieres. Thank you for inviting me onto red carpets and allowing me a chance to do as much as I can to cover events. I am grateful that you allow me to review more than just movies and that you have given me an opportunity to venture into new fields such as with the LINE app. I am very grateful for all the kindness you show.
Laura Dickenson, my love and partner, thank you for putting up with all my weirdness and always encouraging me, looking out for me and caring. I am always inspired by all the hard work you do, all the dedication you show and all the talent you hold. Thank you for being a part of my life, thank you for showing me that hard work does pay off and thank you for allowing me to be as crazy as I want to be without criticizing my actions. You are truly amazing and I treasure every moment we spend together. Thank you for believing in me and I hope that I can one day help you as much as you have helped me. This all really would not be possible without the long talks, the weekends of leaving everything else behind and all the good times and laughter.
Thanks to William Draven for allowing me to cover "Myth: Legends of Burlesque and Magic" and Vixen DeVille for the outstanding hosting of the show as well as the interview. Thanks to the Anime Expo staff for the opportunity to cover the event.
I am happy to have been posting all these things and to be surrounded by all these amazing people. I am not always the greatest person but with the support of all of these people and more I am one of the luckiest.
I am glad that the 300 post landed on my birthday, July 23. Thank you all who visit my site. I try and keep it up-to-date as much as I can. It is a difficult job to do it but seeing that people visit it makes it worth doing.
I am thankful for all I have and am humbled by the continued support. You are all amazing. Thank you all.
-Jesus "Thisfunktional" Figueroa