Action-packed "A Good Day to Die Hard" continues with the adventure of John McClane, played by Bruce Willis. The action sequences are thrilling and spread well throughout the film not interrupting the story line that builds up.
John heads to Russia where his son Jack McClane, played by Jai Courtney, is in prison and awaiting trial.
The action starts as John steps into Russia and makes his way to the courthouse to see his son.
Jack is to testify in the trial of Komarov, Sebastian Koch, a known nuclear arms dealer.
As the trial starts a daring break-out is attempted. Jack foils the break-out by taking Komarov and protecting him.
John helps Jack escape from the crew sent to break-out Komarov and discovers that his troubled son is actually working for the CIA.
Plans for recovering files that Komarov has hidden have been underway for three years but with the interference by John plans take a wild turn.
With the inclusion of Irina, played by Yuliya Sigir, Komarov's daughter, the story takes twist and turns that keep the story interesting.
Willis reprises his role from the "Die Hard" series. Although older Willis steps up his game to not only deliver amazing action and an emotional story line. The well paced story is made better by the charisma Willis brings to the film.
Very keenly Courtney gives Jack a feel of being a young John, mischievous and a trouble maker. He collaborates with John to have a troublesome family relationship. Both Jack and John seem so similar that it is easy to see them as father and son.
I give this film a 4 out of 5 Popcorns. It's a good sequel to the popular die hard series. The action is great and the acting adds greatly to the story. The story is well written, shot in a good pace and one of the better action films. The story is based much more on what's happening around the action but both together combine well.