Slow-paced action-adventure comedy "Red 2" continues with the comic book style storytelling as the original. The story lacks to completely develop as it explodes with high action scenes but lacks in story telling.
Retired agent Frank Moses, played by Bruce Willis, tries to enjoy the retire life with his girlfriend Sarah Ross, played by Mary-Louise Parker, when best friend Marvin Boggs, played by John Malkovich, comes foretelling danger in the near future.
Frank gets captured by the Central Intelligence Agency who interrogate him about a project he has no knowledge about.
As Frank gets interrogated a special agent, played by Neal McDonough, storms the building to pry the information out of Frank.
Frank escapes and joins Sarah and Marvin they go on the hunt to figure out exactly what is going on.
The special agent hires a renowned hitman Han, played by Byung-hun Lee, to kill Frank and his crew while MI6 in the United Kingdom hires Victoria, played by Helen Mirren.
Victoria being friends with Frank gives them fair warning.
With the pressure on Frank and crew travel from country to country uncovering small clues to what is happening along the way.
Things take a strange twist as Dr. Edward Bradley, played by Anthony Hopkins, is discovered to be alive, after 32 years of being presumed dead, and detained in a mental institution.
Dr. Bradley having been the head of the secret project which Frank is supposed to have knowledge of gives them the upper hand.
Willis is fantastic in this film although his puns and jokes are cheesy but his demeanor saves much of the comedic aspect. He seems larger than life as Frank and the charisma he shows is exactly what his character needs.
Hopkins is amazing as his character goes through twist and turns expanding upon the already complex nature of his character. His presence along makes this character monumental.
The story lacked although the jokes, puns and antics did not.
By the time the ending came there was so many twist and turns through out everything audiences did not know what to expect.
I give this film 4 out of 5 Popcorns. It follows the same format as the first one and continues with the comic book style which gives it a good solid feel. Willis is good in it and the action sequences are just great. The story takes do many twist and turns that if the audience does not quite understand a small section of the film the storyline becomes overly complex.
"Red 2" is out in theaters July 19.