Written by Jesus Figueroa

The story
is complex and is layered with different stories happening simultaneously but
with the incredible writing of Destine Daniel Cretton they mix together well
for all characters to grow.
A new
supervising staff member of a foster care house Nate, played by Rami Malek,
joins a team of caring individuals in a highly troublesome situation.
played by Brie Larson, discovers that she is pregnant with her boyfriend and
fellow staff member Mason's , played by John Gallagher Jr., baby.

A young
Sammy, played by Alex Calloway, gets his action figures taken away by his
therapist leaving him depressed in bed with nothing to console him.
member of the house Jayden, played by Kaitlyn Dever, comes in and stirs the
house up. Rebellious and uncooperative she connects with Grace through art and
slowly begins to reveal the true problems which trouble her.
So many
stories entwine to create a complex story which intensifies concurrently
bringing together all members if the household, kids and staff members alike.
The main
characters drive the film but the supporting characters are just as important.
Dever dives
into the role and brings a realism to the story which connects well with
audiences. Her charismatic rebellious attitude works well to solidify the
situation going on through the film.
joins in to set a feel if realism. The troublesome dorky manner in which he
plays his character contributes to the seriousness if the film while keeping a
light-hearted feel. He acts almost as a relief from the intensity of the film.
carries much of the film with an intense performance full of strong emotions
which spin her world around. She brings the story together and manages to not
over power the entire storyline.
does a magnificent job of getting right into the character and making the
audiences feel that turmoil inside. His role calls for some of the most raw
emotion and he delivers with such accuracy. He brings the audiences into this
real world of the troubled Marcus and makes the audience compassionate to all
the characters.
ending comes almost full circle as it ends almost like it begins but so much
has changed and it closes on a powerful note.
I give
this film a 5 out of 5 Popcorns. The magnitude of this sort is well portrayed
by the actors bringing the characters together and entwining the stories well
to have them progress similarly to a climactic end. Cretton captures the
audience with a well written story that audiences can connect with.
Term 12" is in limited release in select theaters.