The virus keeps spreading and Mike 'The Movie Guy' and I keep discussing ScyFy's "Helix."
Listen to "274" recap:
The show has come to a great point where things only seem to get worse. Now here's something for the fans of the show and those who listen to the podcast.
Questions for the fans:
- Have we missed any of the big events so far?
- What do you think Dr. Hitake's fascination with Dr. Julia?
- Who's your favorite character?
- What do you believe the virus is?
- What do you believe Dr Hitake is?
Answer the question on on the show page comments located at the bottom of the page, comment on this post or email
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Mike @MikeTheMovieGuy
Jesus @Thisfunktional
Variety Radio Online @TheVRO
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Are you a fan if "True Detective?" The show is on this season's final episodes and it's only getting better.
Listen in to our next podcast as we discuss last weeks episode "Haunted Houses." This week's episode of "True Detective" episode 7 "After you've Gone" airs on HBO.
Listen to last weeks podcast here.