Ice Cube and Charlie Day star as high school teachers prepared to solve their differences the hard way.
On the last day of the school year, mild-mannered high school English teacher Andy Campbell (Day) is trying his best to keep it together amidst outrageous senior pranks, a dysfunctional administration and budget cuts that are putting his job on the line just as his wife is expecting their second baby.
Things go from bad to worse when Campbell crosses the school’s toughest and most feared teacher, Ron Strickland (Ice Cube), causing Strickland to be fired.
To Campbell’s shock—not to mention utter terror—Strickland responds by challenging him to a fist fight after school.

If he actually shows up and throws down, it may end up being the very thing this school and Andy Campbell, needed.
This film has been rated R for language throughout, sexual content/nudity and drug material.
Fist Fight
in theaters Feb. 17