Written by Jesus Figueroa
Anime has been able to span through many of the different communities ā from Disney inspired manga to major video games ā and now even to the car community as it was on display at Crunchyroll 2017.
The beautiful detailed decals on the great looking cars shows how anime has come into the car culture.
These cars don't just come with some amazing engines and features, but the beautiful artwork on the exterior which any anime, car or art fan would be thrilled to display while cruising around.
Anime culture has come to the US in many forms, with many live action versions of classic anime coming to the big screen and streaming sites.
Now on the streets comes these colorful decals which have appeared at Crunchyroll Expo and Anime Expo before that.
Some of the most popular anime characters, such as Yumi, adorn the exterior some incredible cars which were on display.
It would be incredible to see some of these cars around LA on a daily basis.
For now, I can't wait to see more amazing decals by Rory King. Check out more of his post on Instagram, Instagram.com/jaynaito.
(Videos provided by Little Miss Lobotomy, check out her blog at LittleMissLobotomy.com)