After spending much time trying to get the visual look of Auggie in "Wonder" to be as true to life as possible Arjen Tuiten is proud of the work he did and how it has been received.
Although Tuiten has enjoyed seeing how audiences have connected with Auggie, he looks back at his work and still tries to find ways to make it more truthful.
"It's never good enough," Tuiten said. "I have the hardest time to enjoy, to this days since it's a year and a half later, I'm still thinking 'I should have tried that, I should have maybe tried that."Even when everyone is enjoying it, Tuiten feels he cannot enjoy it like the audience because he looks at the work and tries to make it better.
There were many people who helped Tuiten create the make-up for Auggie and who cared about being respectful of people with this condition.
"Everybody as very helpful," Tuiten said. "It was up to us to try and find the right balance."The make-up process can take hours and be difficult with grownups, the process had to be as quick as possible since Auggie is played by a young kid.
"He was in make-up for about 40 days, but he's completely covered in silicone – his neck and chin, nothing is his own. It's all prosthetics, only his arms are his own," Tuiten said.In the history of film, this is the first time a 9 year old has been the lead in full prosthetics.
The first time the make-up was on Jacob Tremblay was a shock to those who saw him.
"At my studio, Stephen (Chbosky) saw him and he cried and Jacob (Tremblay)'s mom cried," Tuiten said."Wonder" is an inspirational movie with happiness and hope on the forefront.
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