"Killing Joan," an old-school mafia movie with supernatural elements, provides an original story that falls short of being memorable.
"Killing Joan," written and directed by Todd Bartoo, opens with a notable city view, which appears to be Los Angeles by night.
The somber music added over the city really gives off a sense of danger.
Instantly the viewer knows there is danger looming near.
The first half of the film the viewer might find themselves slightly confused— the opening leads one to think the pair of guys are being chased and they may assume it is something clichĂ© like, a man with a knife, but soon enough viewers get a sense that this person following the pair isn’t actually a person but a thing; a creature.
The viewer doesn’t catch a glimpse but by the way it was breathing, it's a safe bet but still conscious that it might be something totally unexpected in the end.
Soon after the opening scene, the film progresses in a different direction— a gang-like group of five members showing up to collect, money?
Needless to say, they are involved in criminal activity, obviously, but what does this have to do with the movie? Who is Joan? And, as suggested by the movie title, why does someone want to kill her?
The concept behind the film is original and different.
Joan being involved with the mob certainly doesn’t go too well for her— in a way not totally bad either since she becomes like a superhuman being with superpowers aren’t common— certainly not a creature.
Jamie Bernadette (Joan) does her best to keep the movie together. Viewers buy into her all-black look and her hard, strong and rebellious, bad ass personality.
However, the story is hard to follow.
Viewers really never care much for any of the characters in the film…perhaps it was done purposely…but even Joan who is the main character, while Bernadette does a decent job with her portrayal, viewers don’t really sympathize with her character, except for maybe one particular scene. (Viewers will now it when they get there)
There is decent cinematography that can be admired, considering it’s a low budget film…well, viewers have to keep reminding themselves that it’s an indie film to get through it.
Todd Bartoo did have an original script and some good shots in the film, there was a few cool moments in "Killing Joan" but its forgettable.
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