A documentary film by Jonathan Berman
"Calling All Earthlings" explores a mid-century UFO cult led by one-time Howard Hughes confidante George Van Tassel.
Van Tassel claimed to have combined alien guidance with the writings of inventor/physicist Nikola Tesla, and other controversial science, to build an electromagnetic time machine he dubbed “The Integratron.”
Was he insane? Or could the dome really break through the boundaries of space, time, and energy? FBI agents worked against Van Tassel and the alternative community that formed out of his work.
Would he finish the Integratron before the government finished him?
The film examines the roots of the Peace Movement, Burning Man, and even the FBI's notorious COINTELPRO program.
The film examines the roots of the Peace Movement, Burning Man, and even the FBI's notorious COINTELPRO program.
The verité tale of Van Tassel and his dome is told by relatives, neighbors, skeptics, believers, scientists, healers, artists, and historians.
The film features the "stewards" and owners of the Integratron, the Karl sisters; Dr. Kevin Starr, the preeminent historian of California; Eric Burdon, Singer for The Animals and War; and the legendary Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak.
Public Screenings:
June 29 @ 7:30PM
Laemmle's Ahrya Fine Arts Theatre*
8556 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
July 1 @ 11:00AM
Laemmle's Playhouse 7
673 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91101
July 2 @ 7:30PM
Laemmle's NoHo 7
5240 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601
July 3 @ 7:30PM
Laemmle's Monica Film Center
1332 2nd St, Santa Monica, CA 90401