Runner follows the incredible story of Guor Marial the South Sudanese Lost Boy who survived slavery and a brutal war that took 8 of his 9 siblings to become an Olympic athlete
When he was only eight, Guor Mading Maker (formerly known as Guor Marial) ran from capture in war-torn Sudan to eventually seek safety in the US.
In his new life, Maker began running again, participating in high school track and field and eventually becoming a sensation and qualifying for the 2012 Olympics.
But because the newly formed South Sudan was not recognized by the International Olympic Committee, Maker had to fight to compete independently, refusing to run for Sudan and taking a stand against its oppression.
Runner depicts Maker’s difficult and triumphant journey from refugee to world-renowned athlete, told in intimate interviews with gorgeously animated flashbacks of Guor’s upbringing and culminating in a heart-wrenching reunion with his parents after a 20-year separation.
Runner depicts Maker’s difficult and triumphant journey from refugee to world-renowned athlete, told in intimate interviews with gorgeously animated flashbacks of Guor’s upbringing and culminating in a heart-wrenching reunion with his parents after a 20-year separation.
His story is a distinctly inspirational one in which the indomitable human spirit emerges against all odds.
"Runner is about the ability to hope and the capacity to thrive even after enduring the most oppressive circumstances. It’s about letting the pain of our past propel us into turning negative circumstances into something positive. The film’s protagonist, Guor Maker, is a refugee who endured unimaginable suffering, yet he willed himself into becoming an Olympian and used that platform to help inspire others. Hope is what we need right now and I couldn’t be happier to share this film with the world at this moment," Bill Gallagher, director of “Runner,” said.
"We specifically chose Runner as our second release to cement our Virtual Cinema for Good concept. We will not only be bringing the incredibly inspiring story of Guor Maker to audiences we will also be instantly connecting them with non profits and running communities where they can make a difference and be a part of the global solution instantly," Jenny Feterovich, Muse Production House, co-distributor of Runner, said.
"Bill has spent the last 7 years of his life making Runner and we are very honored and humbled to help him introduce this beautiful documentary to the world. I truly believe Guor's story is good medicine in these difficult times. Never give up. Stay focused. And every day put the shoes on and run," Steve Bannatyne, Lucky Hat Entertainment, co-distributor of Runner, said.
In Virtual Cinemas Starting June 19