“Jack & Yaya,” the acclaimed documentary from filmmakers Jennifer Bagley and Mary Hewey, will be available On Demand June 19 from Freedom Cinema LLC.
“Jack & Yaya” captures a year in the life of childhood best friends who go from swapping gendered Christmas gifts as kids to transitioning in their twenties.
“Jack & Yaya” captures a year in the life of childhood best friends who go from swapping gendered Christmas gifts as kids to transitioning in their twenties.
The titular next-door neighbors grew up together in a rural area but were able to support each other when they learned they were both transgender.
Having premiered at Toronto’s Inside Out LGBT Film Festival last year, the film highlights their friendship through present-day video and interviews with Jack, Yaya and their friends, juxtaposed with archival footage of their growing up together.
Having premiered at Toronto’s Inside Out LGBT Film Festival last year, the film highlights their friendship through present-day video and interviews with Jack, Yaya and their friends, juxtaposed with archival footage of their growing up together.
Coming June 19 On Demand